SATIIM Consulting

Cadastral Survey
SATIIM successfully demarcated and is in the process of legalizing the lands and resources traditionally used by the village of Crique Sarco through Maya customary practices which were affirmed by the Supreme Court of Belize and the Caribbean Court of Justice. SATIIM utilized experts in mapping and in GIS, training community members in the process. We now have a competent team who is able to utilize cadastral surveying techniques and tools to demarcate Maya traditional lands. We can help all Maya communities interested in demarcation by utilizing the Crique Sarco model.

Community Forestry
SATIIM continues to work with the Rax Mu Quiche and Q'iche Ha community forestry groups to increase their productivity and economic viability. We have trained them on business management as well as on scientific forestry management. We stand ready to help other groups to improve their skills and to help make them more profitable.
Want to learn more about our consulting services? Contact us today.